ArewaHitsMusic: Hello Zayn Africa, How’re you doing?
Zayn Africa: I’m good,
ArewaHitsMusic: I would like you to brief us about your full name and the reason why Zayn Africa is your stage name.
Zayn Africa: My full name is AbdulMajid Aliyu, Zayn Africa is my stage name meaning “A King, Handsome & also a servant of GOD”.
ArewaHitsMusic: In brief, from where do you hail from and where do you currently based?
Zayn Africa: I’m from Kaduna State and I live in Kaduna.
ArewaHitsMusic: What was the reason that made you change your stage name from Proxy Boy to Zayn Africa?
Zayn Africa: I changed my stage name from Proxy Boy when i realized it has no meaning to my music other than showing how good I’m when it comes to computing and internet, so I decided to come up with something more powerful and meaningful to explain my desire, I have the desire to become a King and a handsome person and also a servant of GOD.
ArewaHitsMusic: It has been a long time since when you started making music, but specifically since when?
Zayn Africa: I started since 2012 to present.
ArewaHitsMusic: So what inspired you to be part of the music industry?
Zayn Africa: My talent inspired me.
ArewaHitsMusic: Even though you’re part of the YNS team, but Still is there any obstacle (s) you’re facing or you ever faced in relation to your music?
Zayn Africa: Yes, the obstacle I faced is: Societal difference, not every society welcomes music in Northern Nigeria, it has been hard for me to promote my songs in the beginning of my career untill now when my music became fully accepted.
ArewaHitsMusic: Considering the fact you changed your stage name from Proxy Boy to Zayn Africa, do you have any song that promote your new stage name in particular? If yes.. what’s the name of the song (s)
Zayn Africa: I released an ALBUM titled “The Relationship” in 2017 with 13 songs.
ArewaHitsMusic: And which of your songs makes you known to the public that’s since when you were using the stage name “Proxy Boy”?
Zayn Africa: Two and couple of my songs including “My Girl” and “Zombie” made me known to the public when my stage name was proxy boy.
ArewaHitsMusic: Is there any one who stand by you and support your music career be it in terms of financial or advisory support?
Zayn Africa: No one standed by me or supported me financially. But on advisory support! I’ll mention Dj AB, Likitre, also a father and a mentor who realizes my potential & talent Arc. Abdullahi Said Bello.
ArewaHitsMusic: So far like how many Albums, Videos and singles have you released?
Zayn Africa: i released one album, and also 10 singles. I haven’t released a music video yet.
ArewaHitsMusic: Is there any Artiste that lance his/her voice on some song (s) from the album, be it within or outside YNS team?
Zayn Africa: Yes in my music Album “The Relationship”, out of YNS I featured an Artist called “Babsin” in the remix of “Don’t cry”. Within YNS I featured DJ AB and Feezy in “You want it”, “Kishiya”, and “Mamanmu Remix”.
ArewaHitsMusic: Who are you seeing as your mentor?
Zayn Africa: I have many but to mention a few which are Jay Sean & Ne-Yo
ArewaHitsMusic: Are you still schooling or you already graduated? If still schooling then how are you trying to balance both your studies and music so that there won’t be any interruption between them?
Zayn Africa: I’m schooling, for me balancing my music & education isn’t troubling at all. I record & release songs when I’m at home during break & then study when I’m not on break (at school). That’s how I balance my music & education.
ArewaHitsMusic: Which of the genres of music you actually specialize in?
Zayn Africa: I specialize in R&B, Pop music, Rap, HipHop and Afro.
ArewaHitsMusic: Why is it that people are calling you “King Of R&B even though it’s not only R&B pattern that you specialize in?
Zayn Africa: I started music as an R&B artist before I moved further to exploring other genres. I never asked “why” for earning the title. It’s welcoming.
ArewaHitsMusic: Do you normally attend shows? If yes like how many shows you have ever attended?
Zayn Africa: I do, But I stopped counting.
ArewaHitsMusic: What do you have to say about those who supported your passion for music when no one wasn’t there for you, but only them?
Zayn Africa: They built me, they’re part of my success in life.
ArewaHitsMusic: As it is now, do you consider music to be a business that’s the source of your income or you’re just doing it for fun?
Zayn Africa: I consider music as business. It’s the source of my income.
ArewaHitsMusic: What’s your message and appreciation to all your fans, family and friends?
Zayn Africa: To everyone who’s been there for me, listening to me & supporting my hustle. I’m appreciating with a BIG THANK YOU.
ArewaHitsMusic: What advise are you going to give to those upcoming Artistes who really have the passion for music and talent?
Zayn Africa: Pray, Create good music, never let go of opportunities, don’t hate, be humble & success shall be yours.