with remarkable exploits and one of them is the Jagaban of Instagram, Hustlersquare. In this interview she opens up on entrepreneurship journey plus she also just launched her new perfume line & Jaggy Scents"
Enjoy the excerpts of this interview:
Tell us about yourself
My name is Lily Oluchi Diyemowei. The founder of Hustlersquare. I am from Delta state and a graduate of Delta State University, Abraka. I am a Business blogger and social media influencer.
Why did you choose the perfume business?
I have always had a sensitive nostril. When I meet someone for the first time, the first thing I notice is how good or bad they smell. A lot of people do not smell nice. Some don’t even know that they need to smell good and not put people off with bad body odour. Some use perfume that is not long-lasting, so they are back to square one after a couple of minutes. I decided to create my line of perfume that is not only long-lasting but laced with pheromones and fixatives.
Pheromones that make you suddenly attracted to the opposite sex. My line of bottled sex appeal is guaranteed to increase the romantic attention gotten from the opposite sex.
Very thoughtful I must say, it wouldn’t be easy being the CEO of different enterprises.
How do you intend to handle?
I have the necessary structure in place. My team is equal to the task.
Do you intend going global or Nationwide first?
Africa first then we can explore other options and eventually take over the world.
Everyone can afford it. It is just N10,000 per bottle.
Have you come up with a name for your company?
Yes. Jaggy scents
How long have you been an entrepreneur?
Since 2014. 5 years to be precise.
What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?
My favorite aspect is the fact that you can determine how well and fast you grow your business
via rendering excellent services. I also provide jobs to others, which is so thrilling.

Giving back to the society, very good. So what key activities would you recommend
entrepreneurs to invest their time in?
Any activity that centers around their Business growth is key. Not forgetting the place of
mentorship and upgrade programs related to their area of specialization.
Can you describe/outline your typical day?
The fact that what I do is online, I’ll say I work for roughly 15 hours, I dance Salsa/Kizomba for
3 hours and I sleep for 6 hours daily.
Before the end of October.
Do you have a pick-up point for customers or just online?
Strictly online for now

What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
My most satisfying moment was when I employed and started paying the salaries of people
working for me thereby reducing the rate of unemployment in the country. That’s me
contributing my quota to our National development. Very satisfying I must say.
I do not believe in any pattern or formula. I believe that if you want to achieve something great,
look for someone that has already achieved that thing and get them to mentor you. It’s a sweet short cut. In 1 year you can achieve what it took your mentor 10 years to achieve.
Kindly tell us about your other enterprise, Adorable Shapers.
Every woman loves to look gorgeous and curvy. I started a product line(Adorable Shapers) to
enhance and give them that beautiful banging body. We have waist trainers, power belts, thongs, panty trainers, arm shapers and even gym wears. All to make women look ADORABLE.
How many business lines are you running currently?
Multiple…Jaggy scents, Hustlersquare Estate, and Adorableshapers.
Our readers who may want to contact you on any of those products or for consultations on
any platform online